Sunday, 20 April 2008

Mandatory break because of Bill’s surgery! (Georg&Gustav)

Gustav & Georg: “The slab is falling down on our heads!”

What are Gustav and Georg doing, while Bill is sick at home? Exclusive in BRAVO are the TokioHotel-Guys talking!
Singer Bill (18) survived the vocal chord surgery good. At the moment, he’s doing exercises, to get his voice fit.Brother Tom (18) is by his side, cares him healthy. But what are doing Gustav and Georg? BRAVO asked …

BRAVO: How do you feel in the current situation?
GEORG: At the moment I only hope that Bill will soon feel better and that he will be fit soon. I’m really glad, that the surgery went well and that the whole healing process is so great! We’re all good things and want to accelerate after Bill’s voice rehab.
GUSTAV: Yes, the worries about Bill prevail. That must be a horror time for him and I admire how brave he is. Otherwise, it’s quite good because we have holiday …
BRAVO: Where are you and what are you doing at the “mandatory break” – how do you kille the time?
GUSTAV: I’m with my family and clear every day my room (smiles). I meet old friends and take this opportunity to do all those things, whereto the time is missing for me.
GEORG: I’m also with my family and let myself cosset. I had recently birthday and there were obviously many family-parties. It’s really great, because I finally saw all again. The best gift was of course the message that Bill’s surgery went well and that he is now getting better! That was a real facilitation.
BRAVO: Are you bored sometimes even withouth this big turbulence?
GEORG: The first days, I only watched TV and spent my time in the bed. And to be honest, I wasn’t bored. But now, slowly the slab is falling down on my head and I could start again. I miss our fans, the concerts and all around it.
GUSTAV: It’s the same by me, even though the silence feels good. The tour ran really great and yes it is just cool, playing drums every evening for the fans! I’m happy when it goes on again, soon.
BRAVO: Who do you meet? Did you even have had time to meet a girl?
GEORG: I could see my whole family since a long time. Otherwise, I’ve met a lot of old friends and was sometimes out, to drink something - and I can tell you, I’ve seen quite a lot of cute girls (laughs).
GUSTAV: I meet many old friends for whom I haven’t had that much time in the past. Now, I also have the possibility, to have time to keep old contacts alive! But I haven’t had time for girls till now - and for women you need time (laughs).
BRAVO: How are you in contact with Bill? Are you writing SMS?
GUSTAV: For Sure, every day. I want to know, how he feels. Especially at the beginning, there wasn’t more then just SMS. And as he was fit after his surgery, we were visiting him of course.
GEORG: Exactly. But in the first time, he needed a lot of silence and he wasn’t allowed to laugh. And I haven’t had spent one day with bill, where he didn’t laughed about me. I better have protected (smiles). I can’t wait to hear his voice - it’s already weird. Tom plays the perfect nurse and spoils his “little” brother.
BRAVO: Did you care a lot of Bill and the future of Tokio Hotel?
GEORG: For sure I made myself worries! And, of course, I’m also conscious, what will happen when Bill can never sing again. But I believe, that we four will find all the time a way to continue to make music. But mercifully is Bill on the way of improvement and soon everything will continue as before.
GUSTAV: At the first moment yes, but after we heard, that the surgery went good, I was directly calm down and optimistic.
BRAVO: Do you have fear, that something like this will happen again?
GUSTAV: For sure we hope, that this was an one-time thing.
GEORG: Yes, and we hope, that this will never happen again – above all for Bill.
BRAVO: What are your plans for the next time, in which Bill is at the voice-rehab?
GEORG: I will visit Bill in the next few days and want to help him with his voice-rehab (smiles). Otherwise, I will enjoy the last days with the family and also enjoy the “hotel mama” till the last day.
GUSTAV: It’s also awesome for us, to be cared, even though we are not sick. The only thing that probably will change, is, that Bill will talk to us non-braked on the phone. And that’s what we’re really waiting for!

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