Thursday, 29 May 2008
Monday, 26 May 2008
The best intreview i've ever read!!!
Bravo: How long exacly have you been single?
Bill: Since about 2.5 years I'm alone.
Bravo: That means, you were 14 years old, when you had your last girlfriend?
Bill: Exactly. I was together with that girl for 1.5 years. I was really in love with her.
Bravo: Why have you separated?
Bill: I don`t know anymore. We drifted apart. But I have never separated from my girlfriends in quarrel. We always stayed in contact and remained friends.
Bravo: How many girlfriends did you have?
Bill: Five! I was the first time in love with a girl when I was in the 4th class. She was older. I always had long relationships.
Bravo: How do you feel, when you are in love?
Bill: That is the best that can happen, if you have really big emotions for another human being. Then i`m totally confused and cannot concentrate on anything else.
Bravo: And would you like to fall in love today?
Bill: Yes! I would really like to fall in love again. This feeling is really super-nice - and it would be terrific when I could have this feeling again. But I`m totally not unhappy at all. I had so much luck in the last years, and it has also advantages being single. You can talk with people free, you don`t have to justify – and there exists no jealousy.
Bravo: Have you necked (kissed) in the last two years?
Bill: No! Just friend like kisses – for welcome. But nothing with passion.
Bravo: But you`re so often at after show-parties and events- there should be something possible….
Bill: Yes, sure. But I`m not an up-picker (Aufreißer? don`t know the English word). I don`t have even short flirts. Of course, that would be possible. But that is more Tom`s part (laughs). That`s nothing for me.
Bravo: Don`t you feel then anytimes lonely?
Bill: Yes, there are such moments. We are often on journey – and sometimes alone in the evening. That`s part of our life. In such situations it would be nice having a girl at my side. Sure, I have Tom, Georg, Gustav – and my family. But nevertheless I feel sometimes lonely.
Bravo: And what do you do against that?
Bill: Sleeping! (grins) That helps always.
Bravo: But that is very sad, or not?
Bill: Hmm – I call in such moments often with my friends. They are always there for me. And it helps me much writing down how I feel – like I did for example with our new song “Hilf mir fliegen”. I wrote this song also in such a situation.
Bravo: You are really showered with love-confessions of your fans. Could you imagine to have a fan as girl-friend?
Bill: That would be really very cool. It`s super to have somebody, who likes my work and my music – and, who likes, what I do.
Bravo: But how do you want to find under so many girls the one, you could fall in love?
Bill: That`s difficult – but not impossible. There are many situations, when meet fans. Then it`s possible, that I fall in love with one.
Bravo:Did you ever met a fan and thought: she`s hot?
Bill: Yes, there were some girls, and I thought, they look really cute. But mostly it doesn`t happen, that we get to know us more closely. I always need a lot of time, before I open my heart for somebody.
Bravo: How do you want to change that?
Bill: Not at all. Besides, we clicked the moment we met. I really believe strongly in love at first sight!
Bravo: How would you react in such a situation?
Bill: Then I would think at once: I have to get to know her absolutely. But I have no idea, how far I would go. I would be totally confused for sure and would not know, where to go.
Bravo: And what is with groupies?
Bill: I have always nice talks with them. But I`m not a guy for one night……
Bravo: What has to happen, that you would decide for a one-night-stand however? Bill: Just when I think, that it is love at the first sight, and in the next morning I would find out that she`s stupid and bitchy, then we would stop with that one night. But I don`t plan things like that. I really don`t like one-night-stands.
Bravo: Is the love of your fans a compensation for a relationship?
Bill: That can be. What the fans give us, is at any rate very, very nice. It`s really a good feeling, that they exist. To think about them, helps me often a lot.
Bravo: Music or love? What is more important?
Bill: I live my dream with the music. When I would have fallen in love, then I would see that maybe in another light. But at the moment Tokio Hotel is at the first place at any rate.
Bravo: Would you reveal to your fans being in love with a girl?
Bill: Yes! I couldn`t keep that to me for sure. Then I would spend a lot of time with her – and everybody would see that. A hide-and-seek wouldn`t be fair for the fans and for her...
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Interview from The Rolling Stone
Hey, NY είμαστε οι Tokio Hotel και βλέπετε!
RS:Ακούσαμε οτι έχετε τρελούς φαν...
Bill:Οι φαν μας ζούνε τη ζωή τους όπως εμείς και είναι μαζί μας. Ταξιδεύουμε σε τόσες πολλές χώρες και έρχονται μαζί μας, κοιμούνται έξω απο τα στάδια 3 μήνες πριν παμε εμείς....Είναι τρελό (ΤΕΛΕΙΟ)!!!!!!
Tom:Αναγνωρίζουν τα αθτοκίνητά μας...
Bill:και ήταν ένα κορίτσι το οποίο έφυγε απο το σπίτι, νομίζω για 6 μήνες, αυτό ηταν απλά τρελό, ήθελε να μας βρεί αλλα την συναντίσαμε στο αεροδρόμιο αλλα νομίζω για μονο 10 λεπτα....
Bill:Ήταν ενα τέλειο δώρο, νομίζο ένα αστέρι καπου εκεί έξω και ονομάζετε Tokio Hotel!!
RS:Το στίλ σας εχει τραβήξει πολύ την προσοχή...
Bill:Για εμένα, η πρώτη φορά που βάφτηκα ήταν για ενα Αποκριάτικο πάρτυ στο οποίο πήγα σαν βαμπιρ και νομίζω οτι ήμουν μονο 10 χρονόν, και μετα μου άρεσε και άρχισα να φτιάχνω τα μαλλια μου και να βάφομαι και ολα αυτα στο σχολείο και οπουδήποτε! Σε φωτογραφίες τον Georg τόσο άσχημο και αυτή τη στιγμή ειναι πολύ ασχημος...
Tom:Mε διαστημικό look!!!!!
RS:Ακούσαμε οτι σου αρέσει το ''99 Luftballoons'' της Nena...
Βill: Μου αρέσεουν πολύ οι Coldplay και οι Green Day και απο παιδάκι η Nena.Ήταν η πρώτη μου επαφή με τη μουσική, ΄΄ημουν μονο 6 χρονόν όταν είδα την Nena στη TV στη Γερμανία και έίμαι ακομα φαν της...
Tom:Εγώ ακούω Γερμανική Hip-Hop, ο Georg είναι μεγάλος φαν του David Hasselhoff και ο Gustav ειναι φαν του Hano, δεν τον ξέρετε αλλα ειναι κι αυτός καλός καλλιτέχνης
Georg:Οχι όσο ο David Hasselhoff, αλλά...
Tom:Yeah, οχι τοσο καλός χορευτής...
RS:Έίστε ανχομένοι που ήρθατε στην Αμερική??
Bill:Είναι η πρώτη φορά που μιλάμε Αγγλικά, και στη τηλεόραση αλλα και μπροστά στη κάμερα. Μιλούσαμε Αγγλικά, μερικές λέξεις, μονο στο σχολείο.Ήταν επίσης κάπως διαφορετικά για εμένα να κάνω την Αγγλική ηχογράφηση γιατί πάντα τραγουδούσα στα Γερμανικα και ΄΄ηταν η πρώτη φορά που προσπάθησα να τραγουδίσω στα Αγγλικά και πραγματικά θέλω να, επειδή ειμαι πολύ καλος τραγουδιστής, και πραγματικά θέλω να μιλήσω, ναι δεν είμαι καλός!!!!!Ήταν πραγματικά μεγάλη διαφορά στο studio και θέλαμε την ακριβή μετάφραση των Γερμανικών τραγουδιών και είχαμε και μια βοήθεια με αθτά και ναι, ελπίζω να σας αρέσει...!!
RS:Πώς ειναι να είστε 2 αδέρφια μεσα στο συγκρότημα??
Bill:Νομίζω πως είναι απολύτος φυσιολογικό...
Tom:Ναι, ειναι απολύτως φυσιολογικό!
Bill:Είμαστε πάντα μαζί...
Tom:...έχουμε και οι 2 τους ίδιους φίλους και τα ίδια ενδιαφέροντα...
Bill:...και αρχίσαμε μαζί να παίζουμε μουσική και στην αρχή είχαμε ενα keyboard επειδή δεν είχαμε μπασίστα και ντράμερ και ήμουν πάντα πολύ αργός με αυτό...
Tom:Και για να είμαι ειλικρινής, με χρειάζετε...!
Bill:...κι εκείνος με χρειάζετε, επίσης!!!!!
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Ήταν υποψήφιοι για τις κατηγορίες: Best Band, Best Video Clip και Best Live-Act, τα οποία και πήραν!!!!! Στο τέλος της βραδιάς πήραν και ένα τέταρτο βραβείο, το Super Comet!!!!!!
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Tokio Hotel - Ready Set Go and Monsoon (Remix)
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
"Διαδήλωση" έξω από τη δισκογραφική τους
Οι fan των Tokio Hotel μαζεύτηκαν έξω από τη δισκογραφική "Universal" για να ζητήσουν να έρθει το group στην Ελλάδα.(25/3)
Bad Dutch girls!!!!!
Λοιπόν, πως είχαν τα πραγματα..... 2 Ολλανδέζες ήθελαν να πηράξουν λιγάκι τα αγόρια. Έτσι έφραψαν σε ένα χαρτί ολλανδικές λέξεις και μαζί τη λεξη 'klootzak' που σημαίνει μ****ας. Αυτός μην ξέροντας ολλανδικά δεν καταλάβενε τι σημαίνει. Τα κορίτσια ειχαν γράψει στο χαρτί 'alles auswendig lernen und viel spass damit' (learn eveything by heart and have fun with it.' Το διάβασε και είπε ΟΚ θα τις μαθω απ'εξω και την επόμενη φορα που θα κάνουν συναυλία εκεί θα τις πεί!!!!!
Bill gives Georg a teddy!
TAFI: Εμένα πάντος μου αρέσει το αρκουδάκι!!!
Tokio Hotel Totgeliebt at Sound Academy. May 16/ 08
(Στο βίντεο προσέξτε ιδίκα στα 2:40 λεπτά και μετά, τι κανει ο Bill.Comment απαραίτητο! HOW CUTE...!)
VIVA Comet
Zurzeit sind Tokio Hotel noch auf US-Tournee, am 23. Mai stehen sie dann auf der Bühne der König-Pilsener-Arena in Oberhausen. In drei Kategorien („Beste Band“, „Bestes Video“ und „Bester Live Act“) nominiert, sind die vier Jungs der Top-Favoriten des Comet-Abends.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Ποιός κερδίζει περισσότερα στους ''Tokio Hotel''????
Kunstler:Καλλιτέχνης (Tokio Hotel)
Hersiellung/Vertrieb:Παραγωγή ειδών
Autnahme/Werbung:Ομάδα παραγωγής/ Διαφήμηση
Uberschuss vor steuern platterfirma:Περισευόμενα για μουσικα όργανα
Friday, 16 May 2008
Tokio Hotel - NOT ALLOWED to talk - RTL (2008-05-13)
''Τα κατάφεραν και παλi!!!! Εμας εδω στην Ευρώπη μας ξέχασαν και τώρα ενδιαφέροντε μονο για τους φαν στην Αμερική'' (Αυτο το διαβάσαμε σε ενα άλλο site) είναι το παραπονο μιας Ευρωπαίας φαν.
ΕΣΕΙΣ ΤΙ ΠΙΣΤΕΥΕΤΕ????? (απαντήσεις στα comments)
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 26] Back in the States Part 1
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Tokio Hotel Zimmer 483 DVD The Documentary
Αν κάποιος δυσκολεύετε να το μεταφράσει να μας αφησει ένα comment για να δημοσιεύσουμε την μετάφραση στα Ελληνικά.
Video about Bill Kaulitz!
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Monday, 12 May 2008
Send us your videos
Αν έχετε φτιάξει κι εσείς κανένα βίντεο για τους Tokio Hotel στείλτε το στο Όλα τα βίντεο θα δημοσιετούν εκτός των βίντεο που προσβάλουν τους φαν και τα μέλη των Tokio Hotel.
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Το πρώτο live...!!!!
Γειά σας και πάλι Hotelakia!! Είμαστε ΠΑΡΑ πολύ χαρούμενες γιατι οι Tokio Hotel τα πήγαν ΤΕΛΕΙΑ στην Αμερική, στην ΠΡΩΤΗ τους συναυλία μετα την ενχείρηση του Bill Kaulitz!!!! Όπως θα προσέξετε κι εσείς ο Bill ξεπέρασε τον εαυτό του όπως και οι άλλοι τρείς!!! Τα βίντεο είναι ερασιτεχνικά! Κοιτάξτε, τι μας περιμένει του χρόνου!!!!!
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Tokio Hotel Tour Diary: Part 5
Α, και για να μην ξεχνιόμαστε, οι Tokio Hotel θα βρίσκοντα την Τρίτη 6/5 στο RTL μια εκπομπή του Mtv!!!
Friday, 2 May 2008
Bill Bild.De Interview After Surgery
(Τι γλύκας θεέ μου??? Και μετά μιλάμε για υπογλυκεμία...Εδώ που φτάσαμε, κοντεύει να μας ανεβεί το ζάχαρο)
He had scared his fans, for weeks he couldn’t speak. But Now it’s back, the voice of the successful band Tokio Hotel. In the exclusive interview with BILD singer Bill tells us what he went through.
Bill: It was just like this with me. Nothing worked. And they said, “alright, if we don’t remove this it’ll keep coming back and then it won’t be possible to go on singing”, and that was a real shock-news after that week… all the going back and forth. After the better news in the middle and all the setbacks. That was the point where one knew, allright now one is out of order for at least four weeks.
Bill: The most afraid one was… because of the surgery, general anesthesia and stuff, that brings you down quite a lot. And beforehand I had watched a horror movie. And there, there was a man… I don’t even remember the name of it… anyways there was such a man and he was under general anesthesia but he still noticed everything, but he couldn’t tell. That means he really was lieing there and the doctors thought everything was fine – he had to undergo a surgery on his heart – and they cut him open and he notices everything and actually wants to tell them, but he can’t because he can’t move…
And I watched such things of course beforehand, and thought to myself, ok the most important thing is that I fall asleep and don’t notice anything of it. That was really the most important thing for me.
For 4 weeks he was out of order. The musician wasn’t even allowed to listen to his own music. The 18-year-old spent alone in front of the TV, and wrote enthusiastically and additionally was worrying about his fans.
Bill: It is incredible what came from the fans, how they reacted. I was really thinking “Omg, hopefully no one will be mad at me because of this” and it really helped to see that somehow everybody is worried and that everybody is somehow there and all go this way with me and don’t leave me behind. That was anyhow really helpful during that time. There were really cute thing amongst it… one(girl) sent a ruff/tobey collar because she of course didn’t exactly know what was wrong with me. But in any case, there were also inhaling machines and much more… well it was incredible. I really have one side of the fridge full with things that I have(???) and then there are really boxes with doubles. So it is really incredible. Lots of stuff has arrived, and I think I couldn’t really see everything, but in any case the bigger part of it.
Bill: Uhm… I think I’m looking forward to seeing the stage, seeing the people, from the crew, to really see all those people again. And most of all the fans. Really to see that I can stand there again with a microphone in my hand, and something comes out. And I can really make the people, the audience happy. That was the worst for me that the tour had to be cancelled that all the disappointed fans had to go home, who really had already been waiting in front of the venue. And that had been looking forward to the concert for so long. And I can imagine really well how much that sucks, and yeah I was incredibly sorry for everything. I really am looking forward to standing there again and to being able to make all the people happy.
Already on Thursday Tokio Hotel are leaving for America. Here they want to present their new record “Scream”. What remains is to hope, that Bill doesn’t lose his voice again
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 24] TH in Germany - Part 2
Arthur und die Minimoys, with Bill Kaulitz and Nena!